1980s band the Studio Rockers
From our Facebook group ……
- Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh Loved these guys and still close to some now. Fitzroy Moore, Errol Jones, Mick Pirie, Tony Mendez, Will Pirie, Rob Matterson and Clive Cummings.
- Karan Allden I loosely know the chap with the hat his name is Clive a friend who I used to work with went out with him
- Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh Clive Cummings
- Karan Allden That’s it do you remember
Sharon a red head ( I can’t remember her last name) the were together quite a long time - Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh I can ask my brother tomorow and pm you if you need to know or ask me mate on here when she is onlineKaran Allden I remember quite a few of the faces just through going out I worked at Shanghi’s for a while as well as Thomas cook
- Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh i never went to clubs much i married very young .so when every one was still doing their thing i was working married kid and paying a morgage so when i see pictures i think damn!! i missed that
- Karan Allden Ha ha I’m doing that now I have twin boys who are nearly 10 ( left it a bit late)
- Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh aww they your world xxxxxxxx
- Karan Allden Yep would not change it
Can’t do the hang overs ! I used to do it again the next day it now takes about 2 weeks to get over it - Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh lol
- Mark Smith i worked with the pirie brothers about 20 years a go at fisherprint.
- Karan Allden Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh
Just spoken to mum and she said she thinks they were on white post road. I went to school with Tracy Henson she was a school year above me - Leigh Moore Julian Roberts also in the picture
- Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh Karan Allden Tracy Henson ?:is her name through marriage or maiden
- Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh Julian Roberts does many gigs lovely guy .
- Karan Allden Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh That would have been her maiden name
- Sandra Saira Ibrahim Marsh My cousin lol