Home Supporting Peterborough Images

Supporting Peterborough Images

Supporting Peterborough Images Archive website and the supporting Peterborough Images Facebook Group costs a mere £1 per month …… after a few months, you will have bought me a coffee !

Seriously, this support is crucial in keeping the site and the massive supporting community going. Ongoing costs include ……

  • annual web hosting costs for a safe and reliable website platform
  • scanning hardware and software for handling all formats of prints, slides and ephemera
  • purchase of prints, slides, ephemera from auctions to provide fresh images for the archive
  • coffee, tea …… with biscuits

To become a £1 per month supporter of Peterborough Images, simply contact me at admin@peterboroughimages.co.uk and I will forward payment options which include PATREON, PAYPAL and simple STANDING ORDER.

Thank you in anticipation of your support !