AMVC Glinton (1963)
Talented young ladies from Arthur Mellows Village College, Glinton in July 1963 wearing outfits made by themselves for the forthcoming speech day.
Glinton, The Causeway (1908)
This one is marked as simply "The Causeway, Glinton" and is dated 1908.
The Nest, Glinton
This one is marked as "The Nest, Glinton" but at this point in time, I have no idea where this is or was !!!
Arthur Mellows Village College (1949)
A 1949 image from Arthur Mellows Village College in Glinton.
Glinton, Lincoln Road
Lincoln Road, Glinton at the junction with High Street (left) and Helpston Road (right). Date unknown but the black and white kerbstones, painted during...
An undated image showing High Street with Lincoln Road crossing left to right in the middle of the picture. The old Six Bells Inn sits...
Floods Near Glinton (1912)
This one is marked as being near Glinton after the August 1912 storms and subsequent floods and may well be around the Nine Bridges...
Glinton Church
A late 1800s image showing Glinton Church, captured by William Ball of Broad Bridge Street.
Six Bells, Glinton
Two images showing the Six Bells in Glinton, several decades apart - dates unknown.
North Fen Road, Glinton
North Fen Road in Glinton - date unknown but a largely unchanged scene today (2016).