Peterborough in the Fifties

Footage captured by the Film Unit of Frank Perkins Limited opening with the Gordon Arms on the Oundle Road followed by footage of a...

Waggon & Horses, Bridge Street c.1920

The Waggon & Horses public house sat on the southern end of Narrow Street, opposite the Golden Lion Hotel ...... note the very early...

Spread Eagle Inn, Bridge Street

Sited somewhere along "Broad" Bridge Street near today's Rivergate with a passage leading in to one of the many "yards" that ran off behind this...

Narrow Street c.1929

A rare shot of Narrow Street taken from the opposite end to the Market Square where most images were captured.

Narrow Street c.1917

Wonderful image of Narrow Street or Narrow Bridge Street if you prefer. Plenty of uniforms in evidence from the Great War era.

Narrow Street c.1929

Not sure what the celebration was but you can certainly see why it was called Narrow Street !

Hill’s Yard c.1912

You won't be surprised to hear, from this image, that Hill's Yard branched off Broad Bridge Street in close proximety to the banks of...

Hill’s Yard in the Sixties

Looking back towards Broad Bridge Street from what is the now the very sterile Rivergate shopping complex.

Golden Lion Hotel c.1907

Built in the late 1700s, the Golden Lion sat at the end of Narrow Street where it met Bishops Road. It later became Murkett's...

Gibson Cafe – Bridge Street c.1940

The old Gibson Cafe in pre-war days ...... now it's a modern day pawnshop !