Order of Druids March
The Peterborough branch of the Order of Druids marching into Peterborough along Westgate opposite the Lincoln Road junction.
Civic Week 1929 – Competition Judges
27th June 1929 during the Civic Week celebrations and the judging panel of the "Decorated Shop Exteriors" competition. The three judges are viewing the...
Westgate Toilets
A Walton tram swings round onto Westgate from Lincoln Road and is about to pass the underground toilets sited just beyond the junction.
Westgate Arcade
The Westgate entrance to the Westgate Arcade in the 1960s with J R Johnson and Sons butchers on the right and Rose's Fashion Centre...
Westgate / Westwood Street
Looking along the top end of Westgate in the 1960s with the St Leonards Street junction in the distant left with Westwood Street heading...
Golden Fleece, Westgate
A charity fund raising 20 hour guitar session at the Golden Fleece on Westgate in the 1970s. The guitarist was Les Wood of local...
Pell & Parker, Westgate
Cycle makers Pell & Parker at the junction of Cromwell Road (right) and Westgate (left). The company is still supplying bikes to the trade...
Ron Rudkins – Westgate
Ron's hairdressing salon at 65 Westgate in the 1960s. Today the location would be nearly opposite Westgate Church and would be where the Queensgate...
Walton Tram on Westgate
A Walton bound tram #9 having just turned off Long Causeway onto Westgate where it would have soon turned off onto Lincoln Road to...
Williamson Confectioners Van
A delivery van for Williamson Confectioners who used to be based on Westgate opposite the junction with Cromwell Road.
Below is an image showing Williamson...