Horrell’s Dairy Milk Bottle
A Horrell's dairy milk bottle probably from the 1980s.
Luftwaffe Bombing Map – Baker Perkins (1942)
A fascinating German Luftwaffe bombing map showing the Westwood area and, in particular, the RAF Peterborough airfield (marked as "GB 10 175"), the railway...
Halcyon Rehearsal Rooms (1977)
The rehearsal rooms at the rear of the Halcyon pub in 1977 ...... a very lively music venue at the time that even played...
Steve Allen Discotheques
A familiar name in 1970s and 1980s Peterborough, believed to be pictured outside the Halcyon pub in Westwood.
From our Facebook group ......
Dawn Bester My...
Nissen Hut, Westwood (c.1947)
Not sure on the details behind this one but believed to be sited on or around the RAF Peterborough Westwood site and dating back...
Westwood Bridge (1985)
An unusual shot of Westwood Bridge in 1985 as it was being "raised" in order to make way for the electrification of the East...
Horrells Dairies bottling room (1950s)
The bottling room at Horrells Dairies, Westwood pictured in the 1950s.
Harry Aublet, Westwood
The Harry Aublet factory in Westwood which I believe was opposite the prison site but I am happy to be corrected on this one...
Baker Perkins, Westwood Works Fire 1922
A fantastic collection of images mostly provided by Glyn and Cynthia Hall, showing the results of the Westwood Works fire in 1922.
The fire broke...
Passing Westwood Works 1970
Speeding towards Westwood Bridge in the distance with Westwood Works on the right and a magnificent signal gantry still standing centre left. The photo was taken...